Six Rules to Make People Like you. If you want
people to like you.........
Rule 1: Become genuinely
interested in other people.
this and you will be welcome anywhere."
can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than
you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you."
questions to other people, questions that they would enjoy answering."and i will apply this to my life to make my life better
Scientists have found that smiling on purpose can
help people feel better. Just the simple act of putting a smile on your face
can lead you to feel actual happiness, joy, or amusement. Smiling on purpose changes brain chemistry. So it
can be a big help to people who are dealing with depression and anxiety. But how do you smile if you're not feeling it?and i will apply this to my life to make my life better
Rule 3: Remember names
Rule 3: Remember names
We feel more valued and respected when someone
remembers our name. We feel more
engaged in a conversation when someone uses our name. “A person's name is to him or
her is the sweetest and most important sound in any
language,” And when you remember someone’s name that you just met
it means a lot to the person and it will put a smile on their face that you remembered
them. Remembering anyone’s name is important because it might be important in
the future.i will apply this to my life to make my life better.
Rule 4: Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves.
being a good listener is having good manners .focus on them. In Dale Carnegie’s words, " Be a good listener and encourage others to talk about themselves." When they share things they love or enjoy they’ll feel good as they talk and they’ll associate those good feelings with you. That’s a winning formula for making friends and influencing people.You might be reading this and be thinking to yourself, “But I’m not good with small talk.” No worries because I have several questions to help get you started. These questions will be easy for anyone to answer, should not be sensitive and will help the conversation flow naturally. The key after asking questions is to pay attention for things you have in common, or areas of interest, so you can make a connection with the person. The more they see themselves in you the more they will like you.So, in no particular order here are several questions you can use as conversation starters to encourage others to talk about themselves.I will apply this to my life to make it better.
Rule 5: Talk in terms of the other man's interest.
So you broke the ice and you’ve been paying attention to what others are saying. You might get lucky and find they share some of the same passions you do. Life is looking pretty good when that happens because when you find you have something in common it’s easy to form relationships. That’s because the principle of liking tells us we have a tendency to automatically like people who share common interests with us.For example, I’m passionate about fitness, martial arts and sales. If I come across someone who has a keen interest in one of those areas it’s easy to talk for hours! But, what if you or I run into people who don’t share our same passions?Let’s say you meet someone and quickly find out they’re into extreme sports. Feeling you have nothing in common, what can you do? Actually it’s pretty simple; allow them to talk about extreme sports. Just ask questions, show genuine interest and look at it as a learning experience. You could start by saying, “Wow, I’ve never had the desire to go bungee jumping. What made you decide to try that?” There’s probably a great story behind that first jump, full of excitement and emotion. As the person relives the events that lead to the first jump, and the jump itself, they’ll probably feel many of the same exhilarating feelings they experienced before. That’s good news for you for a couple of reasons.First, they’ll start to associate those feelings with you. Everyone likes to feel good, right? Of course they do and when people feel good around you they tend to like you and want to be around you more. That’s a great way to start a relationship.Second, being tied in some way to those feelings will make you more memorable. That’s also great for you because the individual is likely to remember you and your name. Have you ever seen someone you met before but you didn’t approach them again because you were embarrassed that you couldn’t recall their name? Being memorable makes it less likely someone will avoid you because they can’t recall your name.Talking in terms of the other person’s interests isn’t that hard. It just takes the willingness and patience to be a good listener and the smarts to ask a few good questions. The willingness and patience are the hardest things for most people for a few reasons. I will apply this to my life to make it better.
Rule 6: Make the other person feel important--and do it sincerely.
There’s never been another person quite like me or quite like you. We’re all unique individuals. Even identical twins, the most genetically close people in the world, are unique. Our importance may not be something people read about like the President of the United States, a famous actor or actress, an author or a well-known athlete but nonetheless we are important. Just ask your spouse, kids, parents, friends or coworkers.Let me share one quick story. I know a single lady in her 60s who is an important person. She’s divorced, has two grown kids and a couple of grand kids. She has a regular job and struggles to make ends meet like most people these days. She likes working in her yard and around her home and she’s always willing to help others. She’s a nice person, a nice neighbor to those who live near her. She’s not done anything that will make her famous but she’s important nonetheless. Who is this person? My mom, Ann Strasbourg. If it were not for her I would not be here and you wouldn’t be reading this. My wife Jane might be married to someone else and my wonderful daughter Abigail would not have come into existence. From my limited perspective my mom is very important and I’m sure from God’s view, because He knows her full impact, He’d say she’s incredibly important!I hope everyone treats my mom with the kind of respect she deserves. I bet you hope the same for your mom, dad, grandparents, kids or anyone else who is significant to you. If we hope that then we should do that. Every day as we meet people if we make them feel import they’ll sense that. Of course they’ll like us for it too.Don’t you enjoy it when people treat you like you’re important? It can be humbling at times but I know I enjoy it and I bet you do too. If we enjoy it then why not spread the joy and allow others to feel the same way?.I will apply this to my life to make it better.
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