Friday, October 20, 2017

By now you’ve probably heard that Battlefront II’s campaign sees you play as Commander Iden Versio, a soldier and pilot in the Empire’s Inferno Squad. Picking up pretty much right after the second Death Star is destroyed, the story bridges some of that long gap between Return of the Jedi’s spectacular finale and The Force Awakens - a tantalising prospect for the Star Wars hardcore. If you want a completely encyclopaedic knowledge of the series’ lore, you need to play this game.I’m happy to report that it really does feel like a cinematic Star Wars experience. Facial animation in the cutscenes is seriously impressive and the dialogue often takes an interesting turn. Iden’s comrades are seemingly obligated to finish every sentence with a comment about crushing rebels, but she’s constantly questioning their motivations.Technically you’re fighting for the bad guys, but your character has clearly grown up with a very different idea about good and evil in the galaxy. You can sense her growing disillusion, and I’m sure most players will be wondering about an eventual Finn-style defection. That’s a pretty strong hook.I’m quite glad that Motive Studios decided to flip the perspective for its single-player mode. After a lifetime of rebel cheerleading, we’re forced to bin our Yoda mugs, turn our backs on Chewie and sympathise with a totally different viewpoint. That alone makes it a very worthwhile addition to the Battlefront II package. THIS GAME IS AWESOME-ROMAN AND JOSE 

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